Fra Pio da Varagine

Remigio da Varagine es un monje levantisco, con un oscuro pasado rojeras, que se ha refugiado en una abadía benedictina con su compañero de fechorías Salvatore. Intentan ocultar su revolucionado historial, pero al tontorrón de Salvatore se le escapa un penitenciagite (haced penitencia) de cuando en cuando. Esto, por cierto, es una demostración lateral de que Dragó no va tan desencaminado al sentenciar:
"No puedo ser de izquierdas porque es una secta del cristianismo, ya que recoge la más delirante idea que jamás se haya formulado: el igualitarismo".
Nuestro historiador gallego es un Remigio redivivo, aunque le deseo que nunca tropiece con su Bernardo Gui. ¿A quién le tocaría entonces, de la variopinta tripulación del monasterio digital, hacer de Salvatore? Candidatos no faltan, pero creo que no es necesario: ya hemos visto a Don Pío asomar la cabeza en el libro de Shrek y amonestarnos: penitenciágite! Dos almas habitan su pecho. Con el precio de los alquileres, no me extraña.
Es imposible que Eco conociese, por aquella época, a Don Pío, y mucho menos que pudiese predecir su benedictino futuro. Pero qué más da. Stat Roma pristina nomine, nomina nuda tenemus.
Etiquetas: moaísmo, personajes
Es un sacrilegio que hables asi de uno de los mejores libros que han sido escritos.
Es un sacrilegio que hables así de uno de los mejores libros que han sido escritos.
Bueno, a mí el libro me gusta.
Wen Ge: Before aim of A dark offer 4 graceful cities or ensure in christmas gain the championship
At the beginning of this sports seasonAsennaPerformance is bad, drop to the area that maintain level for a time. The ascendant impetus that spearmans recently nevertheless is very fierce, inYing ChaoLeague matches is obtained 4 after be being gotten the better of repeatedly, their rank has risen the 7th. People begins to expect Asenna participates in the champion of this sports season to contend for again, to this Asenna advocate handsome Wen Ge expresses, "Talk now contend for a coronal to still be vogue early. If we continue to win more contests, so possible still. But now this phase, when I think Asenna still is less than Tan Guanjun far. When I think Asenna still is less than Tan Guanjun far..
Wen Ge expresses then, asenna's realer cause should be before entering 4 ensure of next sports seasonOu GuanQualification, "We are only backward the 4thQieerxi3 minutes, because this is already OK a before entering 4 targets that serve as us, the 3 nobody before Zhou Zhi can think of we still can achieve this goal. We are backward now nevertheless of head of a list of names posted upGraceful city12 minutes, this is too much, accordingly we still need to maintain modest attitude, continue hard to restore. Continue hard to restore..
Bensaijiman the city is obtained in league matches of 11 rounds of Ying Chao 10 get the better of 1 flat beautiful performance, run with be being gotten 31 minutes at present a list of names posted up of Ying Chao integral. Wen Ge admits, graceful city carries off very likely Yingchao champion. "If graceful city continues this kind of excellent position, preserve integral difference to the christmas December, can say to very hard again other team can overtake them so. Graceful city has winning quality, the result of match of their field of a few guests makes a person impressive, especially5-1Get the better ofHeat up thornAnd6-1Get the better ofGraceful couplet. Graceful city has latent capacity very much really, nevertheless we still need to continue to observe them for some time. Nevertheless we still need to continue to observe them for some time..
The excellent performance of graceful city lets the player inside the team people also confidence hundredfold, Graph thunderMake public before allege, the actual strength of graceful city has been mixedCling to SaEqual. Nevertheless Wen Ge thinks both return existence difference, "Say graceful city is overtaken now cling to Sa is too early [url=]cheap nike air max shoes[/url] still, should know cling to Sa is in 3 sports season obtained Europe Guan Guanjun 2 times in the past. Graceful city longs to carry off Ou Guan, but they still have very long way to want now, after all they kicked this sports season only 10 Ying Chao. " really, on Europe coronal competition ground the actual strength of graceful city still does not have the room for action with general view numerous little hill, in group contest they ever advocate1-1ByNaplesForce smooth, guest field criterion0-2Not enemyBai Ren, want to carry off Ou Guan still must promote actual strength further.
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